The Amish Wheat Harvest

In early July, Amish farmers take in the wheat, and this photograph is typical of what we are seeing on nearly every farm in Holmes County, Ohio.  This field has been cut, bundled, and shocked, the whole family working slowly along, after the mower had passed through.  We might see as many as a dozen people out in a field, from the grandfathers and grandmothers, down to even the younger children. 

It is quiet work, and folk put in a long day.  So do the livestock, since all of the machinery is horse-drawn.  You can park and watch the harvest, and my best advice is to turn off the engine and the radios, cell phones, pads, and tablets.  Listen instead to the soft, dry rustle of fertility.  Compared to the mechanized growl of heavy machinery, it is a beautiful sound.

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